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This website has about 45 pages. Some contain general information about the effects of adoption, some describe my personal history, feelings and opinions, and some are jokes. I’ve tried to acknowledge my sources but there are some I have forgotten or can’t trace, for which I apologise.

The pages are not organised into any sort of scheme, and you can either start here and progress through the site using the back and forward buttons at the foot of the page, or use the table below to pick out what you think might be interesting.

If you use anything from the site other than a short quote, I would appreciate a link. You can email me at Please put "adoption website" in the subject line. I would be pleased to hear from you, but would rather not enter into arguments about the rights and wrongs of adoption.

a damaged baby a dream about my mother breaking the news cheapskates
don't you think it's time forever family the adoptee happy adoption day
hearts struck by lightning how are you getting on how many adoptees... it just ain't this simple
it's all my fault like a rolling stone long ago I was wounded longing for the day
mother, you had me.... Mum - Dad - are you sure... Mummy, Mummy, Mummy my father, Mr Smith
my mother made me... the Dad I never knew not entirely surprised not waving but clowning
odd one out pheromones and odours recommended reading saints and sinners
second rejection self esteem shaky foundations tabula rasa
Terry, we've got something very important... the bad seed the family face
the invisible woman the jigsaw puzzle the judgement of Solomon the pain of loss
the proud adoptive parents the square peg the truth shall set you free we adopted
we got ours from ebay you liars buffalo chips by tom stratton

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