How did I feel when they told me I was adopted? Quite
stunned at first. I was sent back up to bed, and soon
afterwards my not Mum came up and asked if I was
OK, because she thought she had heard me crying.
I hadn’t been, but obviously they thought it was
the sort of news that would upset me a lot. So....
not quite as OK as they tried to make out!

My stomach lurched just as if I had fallen over
a cliff. For if my parents weren’t my parents,
then I was not me. So who was I?

I felt lost and disorientated.

Later, in the sixties, I identified with
the chorus of the Dylan song, "Like
a Rolling Stone". I too (along with
several million other youngsters
at the time), felt unknown, and
directionless, and alone.


"How does it feel
To be on your own
                   To hear the whole song, click on the link
With no direction home                          and scroll down to "Bob Dylan"
Like a complete unknown
Like a rolling stone?"