No parents should be forced to give up a child because they are poor, and yet in many of the world’s poorer countries this has been happening to thousands of families. It happens in the materialistic West as well, where young women who have low incomes and no other support are pressured into giving up their babies under the pretence that it is “best for everyone”.

Below are some comments on the traffic in babies in the “third world”. It's so often presented as if people in the supposedly superior “first world” have more love to give to children, when in fact it is usually only more money. The money would be better spent trying to relieve poverty so that families could stay together.

The first report is by the BBC World Service, the second is from an article published by Unesco, and the third is a comment by an adoptee. And do have a look at this interesting article by Peter F. Dodds about International Adoption. It appeared in the Spring/Summer 1998 issue of the Bastard Quarterly and is available here.

       The report on the left can be seen here.

       Click here to see the above text in full.

       The discussion about the comment below is unfortunately no               longer available.